Promotion of Livelihoods
Rural Technology Trainings (Skills Training)
In order to improve the economic condition of the rural people MTRDS started rural technology trainings like tailoring and embroidery, leaf plate making,Motor car driving, gas stove repair, Sewing machine repair, micro-credit, and the village drinking water project.. 650 SHG members and youth were trained in rural technology. These trainings are simple and easy for women to learn. There is a lot of scope for programs marketing the end products.
Tailoring and Embroidery:
Even though there is heavy demand for ready made dresses, tailoring has its own demand for standard and quality stitching. Therefore, MTRDS promotes this activity for rural women. Every year there four batches (15 members) are getting training after training women starts their own units at their respective villages. The units are running well.
Tailoring is a conventional and easy way to earn a livelihood for the women in rural areas, those who are educated or uneducated and irrespective of caste creed and religion. There is still a better scope for tailoring in the village sector. It was decided to give training to the women on tailoring and embroidery. The women beneficiaries should be married or unmarried, should have completed their minimum standard of education and those who are eager to learn new techniques and methods of today’s life style. MTRDS trained 36 batches with 418 women.

Sewing Machine Repair:
MTRDS conducted four trainings on sewing machine repair. 104 women were trained in sewing machine repair. The key topics covered during the training are as follows basics of sewing machine mechanism, identification of common problems, basics of sewing machine repair, oiling the machine, change of seams system, cleaning and fitting. It was conducted at our sewing centre.
Impact/ changes
Self Confidence is increased to repair own. Knowledge is improved on basics of sewing machine. Unnecessary expenditure is reduced.
Cell Phone Repair:
MTRDS conducted three trainings. 62 young people have been trained. The duration of the course is two months. The topics covered are basics of mobile mechanism, Key functions of the cell phone, and change of accessories for mobile phone.
Impact/changes: The youths technical skills were improved. The youths self confidence is increased. Self employment using the skill they have been trained in has improved their family financial condition. They were able to start their own self employment units in their respective villages.
Income generation activities like milk animal, sarees business, food centers, flower selling, Kirana Shop etc…, are encouraged among the SHG’s. Micro amounts are loaned to the SHG’s for establishing their own units in their respective villages.
The members are motivated to save some money regularly in their groups. They bring the savings together and borrow small loans from the saving amount. They use this loan to invest in various income generation activities. As and when they earn money from their activities, they pay back the loan they took from the group. This system works like a bank which is managed by the women members. As the saving amount is minimum, we are not able to give large loans to the members. If we had more money to invest in different trades it would increase the income of more families.
Computer Training
The main aim of this training is to teach the IT knowledge to rural people, especially the unemployed youth. 280 students have been trained in computer education. Most of the students are the daughters and sons of the SHG members. 65% of the students joined in Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences as computer operators. 20% of the housewives are teaching to their children. 15% of the students are working out of the town. However the computer training helped them to improve their skills, knowledge, economic
Gas Stove Repair:
MTRDS conducted 24 trainings on gas stove repair. Students were trained in the respective target villages. The main aim of this training was reduce gas fire incidents, upgrade the knowledge of the housewives and teach minor repair techniques. The key topics covered during the training are as follows basic mechanism of stove, cleaning and fitting, operating system, how to handle the gas stove, fire cautions and proper use of stove. The response was very positive. In every venue there was more than the expected number. The trainees felt that it is very important and necessary training to the housewives.
Impact / changes
They are repairing on their own. 14kg cylinder is generally used for two months. After this trained they are using the same weight cylinder for three months. The gas fire accidents were reduced.
Motor Car Driving (Drivers Education):
MTRDS conducted three trainings in motor car driving. 118 trainees were trained. It helped the trainees to become professional drivers/good personal drivers. The trainees have become the professional drivers. Most of the trainees were chosen as the better livelihood especially the youth. The trainees are earning and they are substituting the family income. 25 students are driving the three wheelers they get a wage of 250/- to 300 per day, 30 got employment in call Taxi agencies. They are earning an amount of Rs. 5000/- to 8000/- per month. 10 students are working as tractors drivers
Cell phone repair: MTRDS conducted three trainings. 62 youth have been trained. The duration of the course is two months. The topics covered are basics of mobile mechanism, Key functions of the cell phone, change of accessories for mobile phone.
Impact/changes: The youth technical skills were improved. The youth self confidence is increased. The family conditions are improving. They started self employment units in their respective villages.