“Committed to the Sacred Task of Rural Development and Empowerment”
MTRDS is a non-profit developmental voluntary organization founded by Father Julian Policetti working with grass root rural poor people especially with women, farmers, and youth for their integrated sustainable development. The following are the aims and objectives of the organization:
*To promote developmental activities which will have an impact on reducing poverty through replication of successful concepts, influencing public policies, and strengthening the existing resources for the betterment of rural poor.
*To provide support for the rural people and the needy by ensuring active participation of govern- mental and civil societies programs.
*To work for holistic development through training, education, active participation, and for micro enterprise development.
A New Destiny translated to German, English Version below:
Ein Neues Schicksal: Eine Bewegung für ein Leben in Wohlstand, Würde und Freiheit (Deutsch)
Mitte der Sechzigerjahre in den trockenen Weiten Zentralindiens; neun Menschen aus einer der unzähligen ums tägliche Überleben kämpfenden Bauernfamilien sitzen auf dem Boden der einfachen Hütte in der Hocke, vor ihnen ein kärgliches Abendessen aus Hirsebrei. Die Mutter gibt fast die ganze Mahlzeit an den einzigen Jungen, ein wenig an den Vater, sie selbst und die sechs Töchter gehen leer aus. Gleiches geschieht bis heute hundertmillionenfach innerhalb der völlig verarmten Landbevölkerung auf dem ganzen indischen Subkontinent.Nur hier war etwas anders: der kleine Julian wurde in diesem Moment sehr bitter gewahr, dass er als einziger nur deshalb zu essen bekam, weil er ein Junge war – und er schämte sich dafür. Er empfand plötzlich die tiefe Demütigung seiner Eltern, die trotz unsäglicher Plackerei ihre Kinder nicht ernähren konnten. Er sah die zerstörerische Verzweifl ung der aussichtslos im Kreislauf aus der Übervorteilung durch Geldverleiher und kläglichen Ernten gefangenen Landbevölkerung, die wie seine Familie perspektivlos dem Schicksal trotzte. Der Schmerz, den dieser Junge in diesem Augenblick erlebte, wurde zum Keim, aus dem viele Jahrzehnte später die größte und wirkungsvollste genossenschaftliche Selbsthilfebewegung im südlichen Zentralindien hervorgehen sollte – und in der Frauen eine ganz besondere Rolle spielen: der von dem indischen Pfarrer Julian Policetti ins Leben gerufenen überkonfessionellen Mother Teresa Rural Development Society (MTRDS).
A New Destiny
Author and Motivational Speaker, Solomon Raju Vulamparti, takes us on a journey as told by Fr. Julian Policetti, across a 30-year span, during which the compassionate priest dedicated his life to eradicating famine and hopelessness to India’s most vulnerable people – the villagers.
Available at Amazon.com (click here)
The Effects of Covid-19 Virus
Almost every Nation, community, Organisation and every household is reeling from its impacts on health, the economy and society. As this Pandemic is unprecedented in scale and need. MTRDS identified weakest and poorest people in crowded slums and informal settlement or camps make a fertile ground for the disease. All of them are hardly aware of the dangers for disease and solutions available to fight against it. Safai Karma Charis / sanitation workers are at highest risk of getting infected, as they are indulged in all sorts of ground-level works.
About Us “Who We Are”
Core Values
- Respect – We affirm the dignity, potential, and contribution of participants, donors, partners and staff.
- Integrity – We are honest and accountable for what we do and say.
- Commitment – We work together to serve the rural community.
- Excellence – We strive towards the highest levels of learning and performance.
Our vision is to create a society (rural villages) where an individual(s) has equal opportunities, rights, and freedom from all sorts of fear. That every person may enjoy equal social status in the society so that they may achieve sustainable development.
Our mission is to be the leading capability building organization providing excellence driven services to the deserving rural population.
Mother Teresa Rural development Society Received Best NGO Facilitation Award, 2014
What We Do.
Food And Nutrition Security
MTRDS is promoting food and nutrition security by establishing co-operative stores by which the clusters committees are assured to provide food and nutrition to the members. The women’s’ cooperatives were encouraged to undertake kitchen gardens where they can produce vegetables, fruits etc for healthy food. There are a few clusters who are developing nurseries where they grow leaf vegetables. Leaf vegetables contain more nutrients and increase nutrition intake in the human body.
MTRDS distributes medicinal plants to the members to grow in their kitchen gardens. The medicinal plants can then be used when there is a need.
In order to ensure food security throughout the year they buy food grain when it is available at the lowest price. the grain is stored in the community storage facilities and then supplied to the members as needed. They opened a supermarket for members so that they may buy quality goods at affordable price at door steps. In this way MTRDS assures food and nutrition security in our target areas.